Purple Mask

Purple Mask

$39.99 USD
Only  1  Left!
set of 5
Original, Pin holes, Set of 5, Set of lobby cards
Only  1  Left!
set of 5
Original, Pin holes, Set of 5, Set of lobby cards

About the movie

In 1803 France, Napoleon Bonaparte (Robert Cornthwaite) orders the capture of notorious highwayman "Purple Mask" (Tony Curtis), who routinely rescues imprisoned nobles and harasses the Revolutionary officials.

Director H. Bruce Humberstone
Starring Tony Curtis, Colleen Miller, Gene Barry
Writers Oscar Brodney, Paul Armont, Jean Manoussi


  • Lobby

    Scenes from movie printed on 
card stock - for display in theater lobby.

  • Original

    Printed by movie studio in limited quantity for theater display.

  • Set of #

    Lobby cards or Stills sold as a set.

  • Pin Holes

    Displayed at movie theaters; very small holes 
in the corners (made by push pins or staples).